Hi and welcome to my new home on the web! This isn’t a blog, this isn’t a feed, this is a garden — that means I’m going to maintain it over time. Blogs posts exist as individual stand-alone essays tagged with metadata that I will edit freely without worrying about maintaining a trackable history. Projects are linked and presented as I see fit. My goal with this space is to offer a glimpse into the way I see the world.
I’m currently looking for work as a software engineering manager. My resume is available here:
is a novel metaphysics inspired by the way LLMs work. It seems to have explanatory potential that unifies subjects as disparate as String Theory and Neurodiversity.
Turtle Beam is currently under heavy revision and evolution. I may or may not keep that name, but currently I’m working on an essay describing something I call “The Hyperobject” that is much greater in scope. You can find the current state of the draft