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Example: Star Wars Math

The following is a copy-and-pasted transcript of an interaction with GPT-4 that I’ve lightly formatted with coda. This instance of GPT has been trained on an early version of Narrative Calculus, and is able to perform some pretty powerful operations. My messages are in blue, GPT’s responses are in purple, and the generated reports are all included as-is. All of this is real!
Myk: Decompose Good Will Hunting and Star Wars and swap their character functions. Then regenerate their plot functions to respect the new constraints introduced by new character function. Summarize the resulting stories for me with all salient plot points.
GPT-4: By decomposing Good Will Hunting and Star Wars and swapping their character functions, we create entirely new stories. Here's a summary of the resulting narratives:

Good Will Hunting with Star Wars character functions:

In this version, we have Luke Skywalker, a young and gifted mathematician working as a janitor at a prestigious university in Boston. Luke is troubled by his past, having grown up on a remote farm with his aunt and uncle, and dreams of a bigger purpose in life.
One day, Luke solves a complex math problem left on a blackboard by Professor Obi-Wan Kenobi. Impressed by his talent, Obi-Wan takes Luke under his wing and tries to help him unlock his potential. Luke also meets Leia, a strong-willed and independent young woman who challenges his worldview and pushes him to confront his emotional baggage.
As Luke grapples with his new relationships, he faces the difficult decision of leaving his familiar life behind and embracing his extraordinary abilities. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about love, friendship, and the importance of following his own path.

Star Wars with Good Will Hunting character functions:

In a galaxy far, far away, Will Hunting is a young rebel with a mysterious past and an uncanny ability to strategize and outsmart the oppressive Galactic Empire. He works as a mechanic and occasionally assists the Rebel Alliance with their covert missions.
During a daring rescue mission, Will encounters a wise mentor named Sean Maguire, a retired rebel leader who sees great potential in him. Sean helps Will understand his own worth and realize that he has the power to make a real difference in the galaxy.
Meanwhile, Will develops a relationship with Skylar, a fellow rebel fighter who encourages him to face his past and embrace his future as a key figure in the fight against the Empire.
As the story unfolds, Will leads the Rebel Alliance in a series of daring missions, culminating in a climactic battle against the Empire's most fearsome weapon. Along the way, Will learns to trust himself and his newfound friends, ultimately embracing his destiny as a hero and a symbol of hope for the galaxy.
By swapping the character functions of Good Will Hunting and Star Wars, we've created two new stories that retain the essence of the original films while exploring new narrative possibilities. These summaries provide an overview of the key plot points and showcase how character-driven stories can be transformed by changing the roles and settings of the protagonists.
Myk: Please perform the same operation, but this time invert the character functions before swapping them.
GPT-4: By inverting the character functions of Good Will Hunting and Star Wars before swapping them, we create new stories with different character dynamics. Here are the summaries of the resulting narratives:

Good Will Hunting with inverted Star Wars character functions:

In this version, we have Darth Vader, a brilliant but troubled mathematician working as a janitor at a prestigious university in Boston. He grew up as an ambitious and talented young man but lost his way due to personal tragedies and a misguided quest for power.
One day, Vader solves a complex math problem left on a blackboard by Professor Obi-Wan Kenobi. Intrigued by his talent, Obi-Wan becomes determined to help Vader redeem himself and put his skills to good use. He introduces Vader to Leia, a strong-willed and compassionate woman who challenges Vader to confront his past and make amends for his mistakes.
As Vader struggles to find his place in the world and make peace with his past, he faces the difficult decision of whether to embrace his talents for good or continue down a darker path. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about redemption, forgiveness, and the power of personal connections.

Star Wars with inverted Good Will Hunting character functions:

In a galaxy far, far away, Sean Maguire is a wise and experienced rebel leader who discovers a powerful weapon capable of turning the tide against the oppressive Galactic Empire. He leads a group of rebels, including the talented mechanic Will Hunting and the fiercely independent Skylar.
Together, they embark on a dangerous mission to uncover the secrets of this weapon and use it to bring down the Empire. As they navigate the treacherous galaxy, they encounter numerous obstacles, including the sinister Darth Vader, who has his own motivations for seeking the weapon.
As the story unfolds, Sean must come to terms with his own past while guiding Will and Skylar on their journey. Along the way, the trio forms an unbreakable bond, learning valuable lessons about trust, friendship, and the power of hope in the face of overwhelming odds.
By inverting the character functions of Good Will Hunting and Star Wars before swapping them, we've created two new stories that explore fresh narrative possibilities while maintaining the essence of the original films. These summaries provide an overview of the key plot points and showcase how different character dynamics can impact the stories' themes and emotional arcs.
Myk: This time, invert the character function from Star Wars and amplify the character function from Good Will Hunting. Then take the union of the two to create a new character function. ​Decompose the film Muppet Treasure Island into its subfunctions, and then swap the character function for our newly generated one. Replace the setting function with the setting function from Star Wars, but inverted and amplified. Regenerate the plot function to allow for the new constraints imposed by the new plot and setting functions. ​Summarize the resulting story including all major plot points and character arcs.
GPT-4: By inverting the character function from Star Wars, amplifying the character function from Good Will Hunting, and taking their union, we create a new character function with a diverse set of personalities. We'll decompose Muppet Treasure Island and swap the character function, as well as replace the setting function with an inverted and amplified Star Wars setting.

New Story: Muppet Galactic Treasure

In a galaxy far, far away, a group of Muppets, led by the wise and experienced Kermit Skywalker, embark on a thrilling quest to locate a hidden treasure that holds the key to restoring peace and balance in the universe. The Muppets are joined by a motley crew of characters, including the brilliant but troubled mathematician Will Hunting and the redeemed Darth Piggy.
The story begins on the remote planet Tatooine, where our heroes discover a holographic treasure map leading to the legendary treasure. As they set off on their adventure aboard the Millennium Falcon, they navigate through various inverted and amplified Star Wars settings, such as a lush, densely populated city-planet and an eerily serene and habitable Death Star.
Throughout their journey, the crew faces numerous challenges and obstacles, including encounters with space pirates, bounty hunters, and remnants of the Galactic Empire. Will Hunting, the talented mechanic, becomes a valuable asset to the team, using his intellect and resourcefulness to solve problems and overcome adversaries. Darth Piggy, once a feared figure in the galaxy, embarks on a redemption arc, striving to make amends for her past and prove her loyalty to her newfound friends.
As the Muppets and their allies progress, they learn valuable lessons about trust, friendship, and the power of unity. They must also come to terms with their own pasts and insecurities, discovering that the treasure they seek is not just a physical reward but a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.
In the climactic finale, the crew reaches the location of the treasure and confronts an unexpected foe determined to claim it for their own nefarious purposes. United by their experiences and newfound bonds, the Muppets and their allies work together to defeat the enemy, secure the treasure, and restore balance to the galaxy.
The resulting story, Muppet Galactic Treasure, combines elements from Muppet Treasure Island, Good Will Hunting, and Star Wars to create a unique and engaging narrative with a strong emphasis on character development, friendship, and overcoming personal challenges. The inverted and amplified Star Wars settings provide an imaginative backdrop for the Muppets' adventure, adding a touch of whimsy and wonder to the tale.
Myk: Now redo the previous operation but instead of taking the union of the two plot functions take the intersection. all other operations remain the same.
GPT-4: By inverting the character function from Star Wars, amplifying the character function from Good Will Hunting, and taking their intersection, we create a new character function that focuses on the commonalities between the two original character functions. We'll decompose Muppet Treasure Island and swap the character function, as well as replace the setting function with an inverted and amplified Star Wars setting.

New Story: Muppet Treasure of the Stars

In a galaxy far, far away, a group of Muppets, led by the wise and experienced Kermit Kenobi, embark on a thrilling quest to locate a hidden treasure that has the power to change the lives of individuals throughout the galaxy. The Muppets are joined by a smaller cast of characters, including the talented but troubled Will Solo, a skilled pilot with a mysterious past.
The story begins on the remote planet Tatooine, where our heroes discover a cryptic message leading to the legendary treasure. As they set off on their adventure aboard the Millennium Eagle, they navigate through various inverted and amplified Star Wars settings, such as a vast, peaceful city-planet and a serene, habitable space station.
Throughout their journey, the crew faces numerous challenges and obstacles, which require the characters to rely on their resourcefulness and intellect. Will Solo, in particular, must confront his past and learn to trust his new friends, while Kermit Kenobi, as the wise leader, guides the group on their journey.
As the Muppets and their allies progress, they learn valuable lessons about trust, friendship, and the importance of self-discovery. They must also come to terms with their own pasts and insecurities, realizing that the treasure they seek represents not just material wealth but also personal growth and the power of unity.
In the climactic finale, the crew reaches the location of the treasure and confronts a formidable foe determined to claim it for their own selfish purposes. United by their experiences and newfound bonds, the Muppets and their allies work together to outsmart the enemy, secure the treasure, and ensure that its power is used for the greater good.
The resulting story, Muppet Treasure of the Stars, combines elements from Muppet Treasure Island, Good Will Hunting, and Star Wars to create a focused and engaging narrative that emphasizes character development and the importance of personal growth. The inverted and amplified Star Wars settings provide an imaginative backdrop for the Muppets' adventure, adding a touch of whimsy and wonder to the tale.
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